Congratulations to Dustin and Cari. I had a very nice time shooting these two at Tuscany Gardens yesterday. This was the first time I think I have ever seen a bride be late to her own wedding. But it was for good reason I think. Something to do with her hair. LOL Anyway, the night was a ton of fun and I think we got some really fun shots. Here are my favorites.
I took this shot earlier today of my son Connor. Seriously, he took all 24 images on this point and shoot camera we found at my office. He loved it! I can't wait to put this kid to work. If any of you would like the Con-man to shoot your wedding let me know. :) He should be ready in about 17 years.
Tonight Seth and Shamber got married at Tuscany Gardens in Roy. Shamber is sorta my niece. My Dad married her grandma so her dad is my step brother or something like that. Anyway, I had a great time. Heather was on hand to help and she did an amazing job and captured a lot of great moments. A few of the pics below are all hers. I love the cake shot. Enjoy just a few from tonight.
On Monday I had the chance to photograph one of my favorite weddings of the year (they are all my favorites!). John and Cori came to me after another one of my favorite clients referred them to me (Jen & Trevors pic below). Their wedding was amazing. The love of the two families was incredible and I even caught myself having a teary eye, I mean my allergies were acting up. :) So here are a few of my favorite pictures from the day.
A couple of my Favorite clients Jen & Trevor I love her hair.
This was so much fun. Last night Randy and myself got to photograph Brittany after dark at the City Library. Darkness always makes you more creative, but last night it was just crazy how cool some of our stuff was. Brittany was a great sport when we were trying to get our lighting setup. Seriously she held still on a couple of those shots for a long time. I think it was worth it though!
Its been awhile since I have had the time to post some cool shots, but now that I have some downtime at home and I sit on the couch I finally get to have some fun. So yesterday I got to do a couple of shoots and Trevor & Whitney and met me downtown for a fun engagement session. I love shooting downtown because I always find something fun and new. Here are a few of my favs.
This is so cool. We just released our newest blog called Utah Bridal Solution Its a daily blog where a few amazing people in the wedding industry post ideas to make your wedding unforgetable. New post are always being added and vendors will also be coming onto the site in the next coming months. If you are a vendor and wish to advertise on The Bridal Solution please send an email to Visit the blog daily because its always changing! Click the logo above to visit the site.
I am so excited to be going to LA tomorrow for the Pictage Partner Conference. I am so excited to be able to speak for the 2nd year in a row to fellow photographers on how to better their business. This conference is held once a year by Pictage which most of you know is my lab and online web preview partner. I will be posting some images from LA over the next week as well some of the NYC shots that I was finally able to download to my powerbook. See you all when I get home.
On Saturday I had the opportunity to photography Daniel & Stacey at the Mt. Timp Temple. As much as I would love to show you a slideshow, I just don't have time to get all of the images edited and posted before I leave for LA tomorrow morning. I did want to post one of my favorite images from the day though. Hopefully in a couple of days I will be able to update and show you more from the day. Congrats the two of you and I hope you have an amazing honeymoon!
I met Paul & Kalli a few months back when they came in for a consultation and I knew I was going to have so much fun with them. My staff always tried to be able to come to their engagements and Kalli's bridals and Heather even worked from 7am until 10pm just because she loved these two. We had an amazing time shooting them. Its almost to easy when you consider your clients your friends. These two also picked up a pair of iPods that I delivered to them at the end of their reception. I preloaded a bunch of their wedding pics on them so they could have some images to enjoy on their Honeymoon. Here are a couple of my favorite images from the day.