Finally after months of searching and searching I have found the perfect location for the new studio and........we signed the lease! We will be moving in 1 month to the new location and the doors will open on November 1st! So where is the new location you ask? ........ How about downtown Salt Lake City. The new address is 353 west 200 south. Check the picture below to see exactly where that is.

So when you walk out the front door you can see the Gateway, the Delta Center and couple other really cool places.
The inside is basically empty and we have a ton of work to get it ready to open. The good news is that its about 5 times the size of the office we are in now.

The entire space has to be painted and cleaned up. But we have 2 weeks to get all of that stuff done as well as shoot about 10 weddings by the end of the month. Its going to be a crazy, crazy month.
Here is the outside of the building. Its such a sweet spot. The sign on the building will change to our new sign that will be getting designed in the coming week and hopefully hung before the end of the month.

I am so excited about how cool this is going to be. And to be sure that you come and see I will be giving 10% off all of our packages until the end of the year so if you were thinking about booking, I think I just gave you a good reason to get in and see us. Let me know what you think of the new space and I do plan on having an open house some time next month.