This is why I am a wedding photographer!
We have a serious problem here, both Scott and I are totally bummed that our wedding is over. We realized we won't be able to hang out with one of our coolest new friends. Can you guess who that might be? Yes, it's our Bishop, how did you know? Ok, ok, you got me, it not our bishop its you. You have been the funnest person to hang out with, (oh and I guess we did a little work on the side). I know we will see you soon to pick our pics for our book but it's sad to know our days are coming to an end. You had better be moving closer to us so we can do drive bys passed your office, (if you are lucky we might even stop by and say hi). :) You are fabulous! Thanks for all you have done for us, infact, we love you so much that we have decided to give you our first born. You lucky dog, you!
Love, one of your happiest clients (you made me look so thin) Tami

Scott and Tami,
First of all, you scared me to death when I read the first sentence, second of all, thank you guys so very much! I had so much fun hanging out with you guys (and shooting) over the past couple of months. Seriously, I was a little sad when your wedding was over. Congratulations to the two of you and I can't wait to see you guys agian!